Positive Google Reviews: Why Your Business Definitely Needs Them & How to Get More
If you’re a business owner, you probably know Google reviews are important, but you may not know how to get them.
If you’ve been stumped about how to get more positive Google reviews, we can help! We’re breaking down not only how to get more Google reviews, but also why you need them.
The Benefits of Positive Google Reviews
According to a recent study, 54% of consumers said that the average star rating is the most important factor when researching a company, while 46% consider the quantity of reviews as the second most important.
Google reviews are basically modern-day word-of-mouth advertising. They’re trust indicators for many online buyers, so in short, the higher quantity and quality of Google reviews you have directly translates into higher credibility for your business.
As you get more positive reviews, you should start to see several benefits for your business, such as:
- Buyer Trust – Studies show that reviews are highly influential to consumer behavior. Buyers trust the opinions of people who have personally purchased a product or service. So the more positive feedback your brand has, the more trust you’ll have from potential customers.
- More Visibility / Improved SEO – Google uses reviews as a stamp of credibility for businesses. So, the more you have, the higher you’ll rank in their search engine results. Also, any eCommerce store with at least 100 reviews with an average 3.5 rating or higher over a 12 month period will gain a Google Seller Rating, which also increases visibility.
- Increased Conversions / Revenue – Businesses with positive Google reviews are much more likely to convert potential customers, through both the boosted visibility and the consumer trust that reviews provide. Basically, an increase in positive Google reviews should result in more conversions–whether that is calls, online purchases, or form submissions.
How to Get More Google Reviews
Are you ready for the big secret? There are two extremely important steps to get great Google Reviews. Here they are:
1. Provide a Great Product or Service.
2. Ask for a Review!
That’s it. That’s the big secret. Seems simple enough, right? ????
Most consumers tend to be passive when it comes to leaving reviews, especially positive ones. Online shoppers are far more likely to leave a negative review if they have a horrible experience! So, if a business has hundreds of positive reviews, that probably didn’t happen naturally, they just simply took the time to ask for them.
So, if you provide a great service, you may just need to give your loyal customers a little nudge, and when you do, the majority of them will be more than willing to leave you a positive Google review!
Who Should You Ask for A Review?
Before you dive in head first and ask anyone and everyone in your database to leave you a review, stop and find your biggest brand advocates and most loyal customers first.
Once you have those initial reviews, you can spread out your “ask” to the rest of your database over several months. It’s important to mention that if you go from 0 to 100 reviews in a week, Google will flag this ‘unusual activity’ as potential spam, and it may hurt you more than help. So, play the long game and it’ll benefit you in the end!
How to Curate Your “Ask”
1. Keep it Simple – It’s no secret that people are less likely to read longer emails, so if you really want your audience to get to the CTA, keep it short and sweet!
2. Be Specific – If you want 5-Star Google reviews, ask for that! If you want Facebook reviews, ask for that. Be as specific as possible to get the results you’re looking for.
3. Show Appreciation – Make sure to thank your customers for patronizing your business. Let them know how much they mean to you! And don’t forget to thank anyone who gives you a great Google review, too.
4. Create an Easy Link – Don’t expect people to leave their email app, open a browser, type in “Google,” find your business, and click “Write a Review” on their own. That’s way too many chances to lose them in the process. ???? The fewer steps the better. Did you know you can actually provide them an easy link to click and leave a review straight from your email? It’s true. Here’s a quick how-to for that.
How to Handle Negative Reviews
We know what you’re thinking— What happens if you ask for reviews and get negative ones? That’s a legitimate fear… and the reality is, it’s somewhat unavoidable.
So, if you do get a negative review or two, don’t panic! We’ve got you covered. Check out our blog on how to manage negative reviews here.
If you’re not currently asking for Google reviews, it’s definitely time to start! It’s an easy way to increase your online visibility and conversions.
How much time should you spend getting good reviews? Simply decide how important they are for your business… and that’s how much time you should spend getting them. And we think they’re pretty important. ????
As always, if you need help with consulting on any marketing topics, or if you need to outsource email marketing or a Google review campaign, we’d love to chat!
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